Friday, December 30, 2011

Olivia's first birthday

We had a birthday party for Olivia two weeks before her actual birthday (which is something I think we will have to get used to given she is a Christmas baby). She had a great day with all the kids (and there were many) and loved her chocolate cake. Charlotte was so excited about Liv's birthday party and 'helped' her unwrap all her presents. They both slept for three hours in the afternoon (despite the sugar high).

Yummmm, chocolate cake!

Look Mum, I can eat my cake with no hands.

So, I have this thing that I must bake the birthday cakes every year. We sit down and look through the cake book and Charlotte picks out the cakes she likes. This year, she also got to pick out Liv's cake. It is a nice tradition, except that by the time it comes to icing the cake (usually late at night the night before the party), I am totally exhausted and wondering why I didn't just buy one. I am also starting the get a little worries, as some of the cakes which Charlotte has picked out for her future birthdays (yes, she has already told me the cake she wants for her fourth, fifth and sixth birthday), are starting to get a little complicated. It will make for some interesting cake making times.

The birthday girl getting ready for a swim. She is a real water baby just like her big sister.

Lathered up with sunscreen.

Loads of kids got in the pool. The weather was perfect.

A quick cuddle with mum before she disappeared again into the party crowd.

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