Sunday, October 13, 2013

Best Friends

As much as they clash, they really are best friends and have taken to sleeping together of a night. Often, Frenzal jumps up as well so it gets cosy.

Water fight

The weather has been incredible warm so the girls have really enjoyed having water fights and throwing water balloons at each other (and us of course).

Don't let the sweet face fool you. She is ruthless when it comes to water fights.

Friday, September 20, 2013


The warmer weather has been the perfect opportunity to get outside and have lots of fun.

The best thing about having three kids, is that it is the perfect number to spell out DAD in photos and pass it off as a Father's Day present. 

Phil's Father's Day cake

Charlotte got another award at school recently for her talk about phones and how they have changed over the decades.

We have been to lots of festivals and fetes.

He is growing up way too fast. Ten months tomorrow. Five teeth!

We have started back at swimming lessons.

Nate has also started his swimming lessons and is so relaxed and at home in the water. Loves putting his face in the water and drinking it.

Lots of fairly floss.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013