Thursday, February 14, 2013


The girls explore the waterfall at the back of our house.

Charlotte is great on the monkey bars now and can go from one side to the other all by herself.

Liv loves her Poppy.
Nate is still smiling.

Happy boy

Nate is a super happy boy. You just need to look at him and he will give you smiles. He loves cuddles but especially loves his big sisters who smother him with love.

Charlotte is so keen to hold Nate when she gets home from school. She really misses him.

School girl

Charlotte is now in her third week of school and seems to be really enjoying it. She eagerly packs her lunch the night before and makes sure she has everything she needs in her bag. She comes home from school utterly exhausted despite it being a shorter day than kindy. She has started to learn quite a few things. Some classic Charlotte phrases from the past couple of weeks include "Gold bless you Mummy" and "I went to mass today and they spoke alot about God and I tried really hard not to fall asleep". Liv seems a little lost without Charlotte at home. She loves to come with me to drop Charlotte off and pick her up and runs up and gives her sister a big hug and a kiss. It is super sweet.