Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One month old

Olivia had her check up this week and she is growing well. She is 5.2kg which is 95th percentile (didn't need a doctor to tell me that she is a good feeder!).

She has also started to sleep well at night. Fingers crossed. This week she has been doing 7 to 8 hour stints overnight which is good news for me!

Charlotte is always getting up close to Olivia and giving her cuddles.

Cousin Imogen is also keen to help and is getting in some practice before her little brother or sister arrives this year.

Hanging out in bed.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here are some random photos from the past few weeks. With all the rain, we have remained indoors which has given me loads of time to spend with my girls.

Babies are such time wasters. I could spend all day just looking at Olivia.

I think every mother loves the sight (and sound) of their baby sleeping.

I think Olivia is undergoing a constant growth spurt. She is the same size at four weeks as Charlotte was at eight weeks!

And she has just about grown out of newborn nappies!

Oh, the serenity.

Olivia seems to enjoy tummy time much more than Charlotte ever did.

Charlotte was very upset when she thought that I was going to leave Olivia at day care in the babies room. She wanted Olivia to stay with me. Had to explain that it will be quite awhile before Olivia goes to day care. Speaking of which, Charlotte started in the Kindy room this week. It is hard to believe that in two years, she will be starting school.

Happy birthday Lyn! We took Grandma out to lunch to celebrate her birthday. Miss C was in day care so Grandma got some uninterrupted time with Olivia.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Settling in

It is hard to believe that Olivia is 2.5 weeks old. Time has gone so fast yet it seems that she has been part of the family for such a long time.

We are still in the babymoon period where all she does is sleep and feed (with the occasional cry) but I know this will all change soon enough.

Second time around, the bond seems to be twice as intense. I am loving spending all this time at home with my girls.

Miss Olivia doing what she does best ... sleeping!

We took Olivia for her check up this week. She is suppose to gain about 170grams a week. Seems she has put on close to 600grams in 1.5 weeks!

We have ventured out a few times this week to the shops and every time she has slept through most of the trip.

A little hard to see but here is Phil and Charlotte enjoying some time at the park.

And of course, Miss Olivia slept through it all.