I took the day off work on Friday and took Charlotte to Movieworld. We had some passes to use up before 30 June. Aunty Kate, Gracie and Emma also came along. Charlotte had a great day and was so exhausted by the end of it all.
Charlotte and Daddy at the start of the day.

Hanging out with her cousins waiting for the stunt car show to begin.

This just shows you can still hold hands and be in separate prams.
On the caurosel.

This was some crazy kid's spinning ride. Phil said it was worse than the adult's Superman rollercoaster.

So cute.

Miss Emma on the kid's equivalent of the Batman drop ride.

Charlotte and Gracie wish they were just a little taller to go on some of the other rides. Charlotte was even walking on her tip toes to make herself look taller.

She was a little sus on the 'yellow bird' and 'bunny' but stayed long enough to get a photo.

Charlotte trying to steal Gracie's Kodak moment.

Miss Emma!
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