It has been awhile since my last posting. I never thought life with a 16 month old would be so busy but she certainly keeps us on the move. Here is a collection of photos from the last couple of months.

For some reason, Charlotte is very interested in eating grass at the moment. Maybe that's because she has been learning about cows and the noises they make ... or maybe she is just hungry.

Charlotte loves the slides at the playground. Her friend Maja thinks it's pretty cool, too.

It's hard to get a photo where we are all smiling. Next time.

Whether it is at the beach or at day care, Charlotte loves the sand and it manages to find its way into every part of her body.

Here is Charlotte with her friends Maja and Sean. She loves socialising (and the food on offer).

Phil will often bring Charlotte into the city so we can have lunch together on my break. This is Charlotte doing the actions to Incy Wincy Spider (one of her favourites at the moment).

When she doesn't know the answer to your questions, she shrugs her shoulders and turns her hands out. It is so cute. This is her responding to my question, "Where's Frenzal?"

I snuck into her room and took this photo of her sleeping. We often find her in this position. She looks very relaxed.

Charlotte has scored herself a new trike and new sunnies.

At the bottom of the slide ... the smile says it all.

I don't know who had more fun on the slide ... Charlotte or her daddy.